Dear OA Friends, IGRS, Group Contacts, Officers & Trusted servants 

It is with sadness that we write to inform you that at the last meeting of OASEEIG on 2nd March 2024, we were unable to elect a Chair. Article 4, Section 1, Part A of our bylaws state that our intergroup must have a Chair, a Secretary and a Treasurer in order to function. As a consequence, our intergroup has therefore now folded by default. 

Over the next few months, the executive committee will take the actions required to formally cease operations. This includes closing the bank accounts, the email accounts, the Zoom license and the website. This will not happen immediately, nor will it all happen at the same time, and we gratefully ask for your patience as we go through this process. We appreciate that the groups that are currently affiliated with OASEEIG may have some questions and we therefore hope the following FAQ information is helpful.

  • Who do we affiliate with now? By default groups previously affiliated to OASEEIG will now directly affiliate to OAGB. If your group takes no action, this will happen automatically. If groups would prefer to affiliate to an alternative Intergroup they can approach that intergroup directly and make a request. However, it would be up to the bylaws and policies of that other intergroup as to whether they would allow you to affiliate with them.
  • What do we do with our seventh tradition money now? You can now choose to send money directly to OAGB, Region 9 or World Service. You may find it easier to send your money to OAGB and details on how to do this can be found on the OAGB website. However please note that while OASEEIG had previously sent a proportion of seventh tradition donations to all three of these service bodies quarterly on behalf of groups, donations direct to OAGB will only be shared with Region 9 or World Service when there is a surplus in their budget.
  • We use the intergroup Zoom license, when will that end? We will continue to keep the Zoom license available to our groups until the end of March as previously stated.
  • Can another intergroup be formed? Yes, anyone can choose to form another intergroup at another time if they wish. Information on how to do this is on the website.
  • I have more questions, who do I contact? Over the next few weeks, you can contact either or However, these emails will be closed down shortly and no longer be monitored. After that point, you can contact OAGB via their website . OAGB have also created a separate guide giving advice to groups which can be downloaded below for you to share.

While it is with great regret that we inform you of the closure of OASEEIG, we are exceptionally grateful for all of you who have given service with us over the years. Thank you to all current and previous intergroup officers as well as all current and previous group service representatives. We also offer a sincere thanks to OAGB who have provided us with support, experience and wisdom throughout this process. 

“Give freely of what you find and join us. We shall be with you in the Fellowship of the Spirit, and you will surely meet some of us as you trudge the Road of Happy Destiny. May God bless you and keep you – until then’ 

With warm regards 

Hannah C (Treasurer) & John T (Executive Secretary) 

The Outgoing Executive Committee of OA South and East England Intergroup